Past Legislation


Prop 16 - Opportunity For All - YES

Complete list of bills forthcoming coming


AB 2466 - Weber

This bill, for purposes of determining who is entitled to register to vote, would de ne imprisoned as currently serving a state or federal prison sentence and would de ne parole as a term of supervision by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. The bill would clarify that conviction does not include a juvenile adjudication.

AB 2707 - Ridley-Thomas

This bill would enact the Stop Consumer Racial Profiling Act of 2016, which would prohibit a business establishment from using consumer racial pro ling, as de ned. The bill would also make the Department of Fair Employment and Housing responsible for the enforcement of the act.

SB 1063 - Hall

This bill would expand that prohibition to also prohibit an employer from paying any of its employees at wage rates less than the rates paid to employees of another race or ethnicity for substantially similar work, as specified above. By expanding the scope of a crime, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program.

SB 966 - Mitchell

This bill would repeal those provisions. instead limit the above sentence enhancement to only be based on each prior conviction of, or on each prior conviction of conspiracy to violate, the crime of manufacturing specialized controlled substances through chemical extraction or synthesis or the crime of using a minor in the commission of offenses involving specialized controlled substances.